still sitting in front of my computer at such hour due to my 'nap' (which made me woke up at 11pm), blame the inhalational sedation i had this afternoon :P
scenes of clinic (esp with final patient) flashed thru uncontrollably as i read about a particular lecture, keep relating to my pt, praying taht the pulp wont die, those fillings worth replacing, the buidups, etc etc etc...
sometimes, a single wrong decision (generally) leads to many sorrows in many days to come @@
should hv insisted in doing this and that, doing the RIGHT thing... aiskkk
i think i shall not nap til so late again in coming days, so that i sleep earlier and wake up earlier, rather than sitting here trying to read but with random thoughts flying thru my minds @@
p/s: regret for not seeing u just now, now i miss u, aisk aisk
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